Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

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What is the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)?

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) was established in 2011 as an independent organisation that develops and publishes sustainability-specific accounting standards for 77 industries. The SASB standards provide companies with guidance to publish financial material sustainability information in a standardised format.

The SASB standards cover a wide range of sustainability topics, including climate change, human rights, labour practices and product safety. They are designed sector-specifically, considering the unique sustainability risks and opportunities of different sectors. Companies worldwide use the SASB standards for annual reports, financial reports, company websites, and sustainability reports.

Who is it relevant for and why is it important?

Although climate disclosures are becoming increasingly interlinked SASB is the preferable standard of investors. They want comparable, consistent, and reliable data on financial material sustainability factors.